Simple steps to setup your Vim as an IDE for python, scala and so on.
If you are not fimiliar with Vim, you can read this blog first: Getting Started with Vim by Vimtutor.
Install spf13-vim
spf13-vim is a distribution of vim plugins and resources for Vim, GVim and MacVim. We firstly install it as the basic IDE and then do some customizations:
Useful shortcuts:
ctrl + e
: open/close NERDTree left toolctrl + p
: search and open filesm
(inside NERDTree): Open NERDTree Menua
: add file or folder
For customization, we can create three files:
Make tab equal to 2 spaces:
Select the language you want to support, it will install related plugins:
After configration, we need to run the following command inside vim:
It will give WARN from youcompleteme plugin, you need to compile it by yourself in next step.
Compile youcompleteme
YouCompleteMe is a powerful code-completion engine for Vim:
After it completes, do BundleInstall again:
For Scala
For Python