Spark Introduction part 1

Apache Spark is an open source cluster computing system that aims to make data analytics fast — both fast to run and fast to write.

BDAS, the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack, is an open source software stack that integrates software components being built by the AMPLab to make sense of Big Data.

Berkeley Data Analytics Stack

Spark Components VS. Hadoop Components
Spark Core <——> Apache Hadoop MR
Spark Streaming <——> Apache Storm
Spark SQL <——> Apache Hive
Spark GraphX <——> MPI(taobao)
Spark MLlib <——> Apache Mahout

==Why spark is fast:==

  • in-memory computing
  • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) engine, compiler can see the whole computing graph in advance so that it can optimize it. Delay Scheduling

Resilient Distributed Dataset

  • A list of ==partitions==
  • A ==function== for computing each split
  • A list of ==dependencies== on other RDDs
  • Optionally, a ==Partitioner== for key-value RDDs (e.g. to say that the RDD is hash-partitioned)
  • Optionally, a list of ==preferred locations== to compute each split on (e.g. block locations for an HDFS file)

Storage Strategy

class StorageLevel private(
private var useDisk_ : Boolean,
private var useMemory_ : Boolean,
private var deserialized_ : Boolean,
private var replication_ : Int = 1)
val MEMORY_ONLY_ = new StorageLevel(false, true, true)

RDD, transformation & action

lazy evaluation

transformation and actions

Lineage & Dependency & Fault Tolerance


==Basic for spark fault tolerance==

Lineage Graph
lineage graph


  • Narrow Dependencies: one partition depends on one partition

    • calculation can be done on single node.
  • Wide Dependencies: one partition depends on muliti partitions

    • If one partition fails, all parent partitions need to be computed.
    • should use rdd.persist to cache the middle outputs


Spark 1.0 updated

spark submit
history server (persistent UI)

  1. 1. Resilient Distributed Dataset
  2. 2. Storage Strategy
  3. 3. RDD, transformation & action
  4. 4. Lineage & Dependency & Fault Tolerance
    1. 4.1. Lineage
    2. 4.2. Dependency
  5. 5. Spark 1.0 updated